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Job profiles Warehouse clerk

Your tasks cover the entire supply chain, from warehousing to shipping. These include order picking, optimal warehousing and inventory control. You will work closely with different divisions: Production, vehicle fleet, suppliers and shipping companies. Modern communication and information technology play a major role in your work. An intelligent warehouse structure, wireless data terminals and state-of-the-art scanner technology guarantee a varied range of activities. Requirement: School-leaving qualification or vocational extension certificate Duration of training: 2 years Training location: Münster

Course of training

The warehouse offers a wide range of varied training options. There, you will be trained in the receipt of goods, order picking and shipment processing, among other things. Attendance at vocational college: twice a week Also: Internal sessions round of the training

Professional training options

As a specialist for warehouse logistics, you have the opportunity to train as a warehouse logistics specialist. After at least three years of professional experience, there are further professional training opportunities, to become a warehouse management specialist, for example.

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