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Stone interpretation technique Antique marble technique 5c02

In contrast to the Smooth Marble Technique 5c01, these surfaces have a much wider range of accents and imitate the historic stucco marble technique with modern materials. The effect is created using tinted emulsion paints and accent color shades in the wet latex plastic and sculptured into the surface. Once dry, the surface is nuanced, subtly relief-like and dynamic.

Step 1

The smooth substrate has already been coated with a matt emulsion coating. The flow of the veins can be sketched on with chalk or a pencil. White emulsion filler is applied using a pastry bag.

Step 2

Two accent color shades are worked texturizingly into each other in a wet layer of paste-like emulsion paint with Paint Brush Fine Liners 1239. Because a fresh in fresh application is used here, the application is performed in partial surfaces segregated by the veins.

Step 3

To compensate for cracks, pores and unevenness in the dried surface, a type of sludge coating is performed with the Paint Brush Professional, flat 1209.

Step 4

Full-surface intermediate sanding with grain size 120 removes coarse unevennesses. However, the surface remains slightly profiled. In the process, the veins are again further enhanced.

Step 5

The surface is now smoothed using patch filling. To achieve this, the paste-like emulsion paint is applied in a thin layer with the Double Blade Spatula 1289.

Step 6

Once dry, remove coarse unevennesses carefully with rotatory and orbital sanders. The final fine sanding is performed by hand in small circular motions. The colorfulness and depth effect can be emphasized by applying Creativ Decorative Wax 49.